8 Things My Sister and I Do Together On Our Free Time

     My sister and I are constantly either at work or doing schoolwork so when we have free time we normally spend that free time together doing a variety of different things. Our free time together can consist of simply running an errand such as grocery shopping together, or we may go out to a fine dining restaurant trying new foods. Here are a couple of our favorite things we do together!

  1. Car Rides

     Car rides are our favorite thing we do together. We blast our favorite music just yelling the words to our favorite songs. Car rides are fun for us because we also have the chance to talk about what has been going on in each other’s lives and any problems we may have with one another. Since we are in the car we can’t just walk away until we resolve our issues.

  1. Running Errands 

  We are always going to stores together if we ever need anything around the house. I know it sounds boring and odd, but we enjoy having each other’s company. We always go out shopping together whether it is for groceries, clothes, or any other things we need to pick up. We started doing this back when we were home before we moved out, but since we moved out we always are going out together. This is a good thing to do with your sister, or someone else because while you are out shopping you can always pick up things to do together. For example, my sister and I will forever be getting games we can play together or our friends. Another reason we run errands together is in case one forgets to pick up something the other may remember. If we are out at the store, I may have said something about wanting to pick up something for my room and my sister may remind me about getting it. While we do enjoy the company of each other, we also go out together for safety purposes. Since we are in a new place we know that it is safer to go out together vs going alone. 

  1. Watching Movies

     My sister and I will have movie nights when we cook some food and then pick out a movie, or a tv series to watch together. We both love watching 80’s and 90’s movies like Dirty Dancing and Empire Records, so we usually don’t fight over what movie to watch. We also will watch stand-up comedians, we enjoy watching them because we have inside jokes that we laugh about after we watch them. Our favorites to watch are Bert Kreischner and Jo Koy. If we want to watch different movies then we will watch one of them that night and the other movie at a different time. We also like to watch psychological thrillers together because after we finish them we like to talk and discuss the movie and our thoughts on the movie. 

  1. Fine Dining

     Going to higher-end restaurants is a new thing that we have begun to try. We save up money and pick a day to go out to a new fancy restaurant. We both love trying different cuisines and going to places with a great atmosphere. One reason we enjoy going to higher-end restaurants is that we both enjoy getting dressed up. Before we go out to dinner we will go out shopping and get outfits to wear for dinner. We talk about going to the place a month or so before we go so we can save up money to go. This is nice because we both are trying something new together and it’s a great experience that we can share.

  1. Working Out

     Staying fit and healthy is something very important to us. We have always been into sports and fitness since we were kids. Keeping up with our health is something we try to do. We both understand that about one another, therefore we motivate each other to work out or to eat healthily. We both will ask the other if they worked out that day or did anything active. We will go to the gym together, or if we do not have time we will do a quick home workout. If we want to do something fun, but active we will go out and play tennis or volleyball. We each do our things as well. I am really into yoga and I am trying to get more into it. As my sister enjoys lifting, she will focus more on gaining muscle. Eating healthy is not an easy thing for us to do. Though we do try we will slip up at times. We are getting better, for instance, we try to cook meals with foods that are better for us and we keep our fridge stocked with foods that are good for us and are high in nutrients. Though we can get on each other’s nerves about eating right and working out, we know that it is in our best interest and it’s better if we do it together.

     These are just a few things that my sister and I enjoy doing together. My sister and I are always working as a team as we are always supporting and bettering one another. We both think of the other as our best friend and we both couldn’t ask for anything better than to have each other like a sister and a best friend.